Transfer Services

Your time matters – we bring you your yacht

Transfer to a new sailing area

You want to spend your holidays in a new sailing area or need a yachttransfer / delivery to the starting point of a regatta. No problem, we bring your yacht on time to your desired destination and then back again.
Reliable, careful and gentle.
Either with a small, experienced crew or cost optimized for the owner, as a transfer törn under professional guidance.

Assistance in your yachttransfer

You like to sail by yourself, but you need some support? We are happy to assist you as a co-skipper and / or with a crew and are at your disposal with experience and knowledge of the sailing area.

Return transfer / delivery

The holiday is over or you had to cancel it unexpectedly. You need to take care of your business again. We bring your yacht back safely to the home port. Ready for your next siling trip.

From Shipyard to your home base

You are looking forward to your new ship. We’ll bring it safely to your home base.

Area of ​​Operation

· North Atlantic
· Mediterranean Sea

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