Petri is based in Finnland and ready for worldwide opportunities.
He owns a beautiful and well equipped Oceanis 47 an is ready for transfers from 1 week to 1 month periods as well as joining a regatta team.
Petri was member of the finnish national sailing team
Education and certificates:
Captain / Skipper (Offshore)
10000 ocean miles / 12000 coastal miles
Recent sailing experience 2015 and 2016:
ARC 1500 5.11.-13.11.2016 first mate Oyster 545 Porstmouth USA to Tortola BVI 1365NM
Boat transfer june 2016 first mate Jenneau 49 Boston USA to Porto Portugal
Transfer Swan 47 from Cascais to Palma …
Ocean skipper (Astronomical Navigation), Finnish Navigation Association, LRC, Certificate for radar navigation, …
Find details in his sailing CV: petri_cv_sailing